Therapy Double Side Visko Pillow

269 AED

Our double-sided pillow is specially designed with a contoured surface to fit perfectly to the curves of the head and neck. In addition to its ergonomic shape, the pillow has 2 different heights on inclined sides of the pillow. Which provides the convenience of using the preferable height. It can be used as a medical product by people with neck hernia and neck flattening problems.

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Sleeping Position: Side Sleeper, Back Sleeper

Highest Quality Memory Foam Providing Long Lasting Pillow

Dimensions: 60 x 43 x 14/12 cm

Cover: Antibacterial, Antidust, Breathable Fabric

Filling: 100% Visco “Smart Sponge” Material

Safety: Does Not Contain CFC (Chloro Fluoro Carbon) Substance


– Ergonomic structure that adapts to your body and takes its shape providing full support and has high density foam; due to cold cure

– High density foam – due to cold cure production system in special molds, the density remains in the mold resulting in increased comfort and life of the product.

Washable Cover in 40-degree Machine Wash

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